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HOWTO: Managing multiple versions of PHP on Mac OS X with Homebrew
- Authors
- Name
- W Ian Douglas
- @iandouglas736
I sense a trend starting.
A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about managing different versions of Python on Mac OS X, and today I'm going to explain how I use multiple versions of PHP on the same platform.
The Problem
Until the homebrew-php group figure out a better way of handling several versions of PHP (their instructions haven't worked for several months), and without installing something like phpenv, I concocted my own means to manage PHP versions using bash aliases similar to my Python post.
(Command line output that I've pasted below may be truncated for brevity.)
Step 1: Install your favorite versions of PHP
Homebrew is still awesome at installing PHP, but trying to install multiple versions back-to-back will produce errors:
$ brew tap homebrew/dupes
$ brew tap homebrew/versions
$ brew tap homebrew/homebrew-php
$ brew install php{5{5,6},7{0,1}}
Error: Cannot install homebrew/php/php56 because conflicting
formulae are installed.
php55: because different php versions install the same binaries.
Please `brew unlink php55` before continuing.
There's an easy way around it:
$ for i in 55 56 70 71; do
> brew install php$i
> brew unlink php$i
> done
This will install PHP 5.5, 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1, unlinking each version right after its installation, and leaving you with PHP 7.1 as your system default.
Step 2: Bash aliases
I put all of my aliases in a .bash_aliases.sh
file in my home directory and call that from within my .bashrc
file. (your system may use .bash_profile
which will operate in the same way.
# ~/.bashrc
# put this at the bottom of the file
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases.sh ]; then
. ~/.bash_aliases.sh
# ~/.bash_aliases.sh
function unlink_php {
for i in `ls -1 /usr/local/opt/ | grep php | cut -c4-5 | uniq`; do
brew unlink php$i > /dev/null
for i in `ls -1 /usr/local/opt/ | grep php | cut -c4-5 | uniq`; do
alias php$i="unlink_php && brew link php$i"
The unlink_php
function basically auto-detects which versions of PHP you have installed with homebrew, and unlinks all of them. I'm sure you could be clever and detect via php -version
which version is currently linked and just unlink that one, but this gives me peace of mind that ALL versions are properly unlinked.
Then, it uses the same auto-detection to create aliases for each version which also calls the unlink_php
function so any time I switch to a different PHP version, Homebrew will unlink all others and re-link the version I want.
Now you can source
that aliases script and you should be in business:
$ source ~/.bash_aliases.sh
Step 3: Magic
Verify that your new aliases are made:
$ alias | grep php
alias php55='unlink_php && brew link php55'
alias php56='unlink_php && brew link php56'
alias php71='unlink_php && brew link php71'
And then you can switch your version of PHP using your alias:
$ php55
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/php55/5.5.38_11... 17 symlinks created
$ php --version
PHP 5.5.38
$ php71
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/php71/7.1.0-rc.3_8... 17 symlinks created
$ php --version
PHP 7.1.0RC3